
Offline Shop


The Offline Shop is a robust and resource-efficient solution for Metin2 servers, designed to enhance the trading experience. Proven stable and effective on servers with over 1000 shops, it offers unparalleled reliability. This system provides users with extensive editability options, allowing for detailed customization of their shops. Additionally, it supports the ability to manage and edit shops from different cores, adding a layer of flexibility and control not commonly found in similar systems. The Offline Shop is not just a tool but an investment in a smoother, more stable, and user-friendly trading environment, making it an essential addition to any Metin2 server looking to improve its market system.

Choose between: Full Backend Code, offering complete system access for extensive customization; or Library Implementation, a cost-effective solution with core features and enhanced code security. Both provide full functionality tailored to your needs.
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The offlineshop system we deliver is a state-of-art and one of the safest ever released.

Unlike a lot of commonly available implementation we decided to build an integrated feature instead of a form of plugin in order to prevent critical bugs related to item duplication.

The thorough planning and testing let us bring up an offline shop system that is easily adaptible, portable and user-friendly.

Moreover it contains extra feature as:

– Different currencies

– Different shop designs

– Item addition and deletion

– Separated storage for unsold items

– Real-time price change

– Search module similar to auction house

– A lot of invariants and fail-safes

– Enriched log system

In order to bring this up we wrote thousands of lines in C++ (the most modern version 20) and python.


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